Monday, July 27, 2009


You Will be Hearing From us Shortly
by U.A Fanthorpe

You feel adequate to the demands of this position?
What qualities do you feel you
Personally have to offer?


Let us consider your application form.
Your qualifications, though impressive, are
Not, we must admit, precisely what
We had in mind. Would you care
To defend their relevance?


Now your age.
Perhaps you feel able
To make your own comment about that,
Too? We are conscious ourselves
Of the need for a candidate with precisely
The right degree of immaturity.

So glad we agree.

And now a delicate matter: your looks.
You do appreciate this work involves
Contact with the actual public? Might they,
Perhaps, find your appearance

Quite so.

And your accent. That is the way
You have always spoken, is it?
What Of your education? We mean, of course,
Where were you educated?
And how
Much of a handicap is that to you,
Would you say?

Married, children,
We see. The usual dubious
Desire to perpetuate what had better
Not have happened at all. We do not
Ask what domestic desires shimmer
Behind that vaguely unsuitable address.

And you were born?

Yes. Pity.

So glad we agree.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Pink sings Boring in this video dedicated to Gossip Girl!

But lets look at the offical Gossip Girl soundtrack shall we?



Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekly Top 5: 13/08/2009

>weekly top 5

BE BOLD with COLOUR this week!


I am so sorry I've been off the radar lately. I just havent been in a blogging mood, and when I want to write I don't know what to. Its the eternal lure of blank paper that calls me to the website right now. Its the magic of pushing out everything that has been lost to folders on my laptop. Oh, to blog again. What power.

Okay, now I've stopped my little rant I shall share with you some Sweet Outfits from the past couple of weeks. I always forget to take photos of my favourites and when I remember I forget to post them up. *oopsy*

Ally X Jeans

Dotti Shirt

Ice Design Belt

Shoes from Boutique in Nara, Japan

Kate Hill Shopper

Ally X jeans

Valleygirl Blouse

Valleygirl Vinal Jacket

Cheeky Monkey Flats

Jays Jays Scarf

Dotti Dress

Giovanna sandals

Blue Bird Satchel

Diva Necklace

Friday, July 10, 2009

Tim Bailey physically attacked

To be totally honest I thought he'd retired. oops