Saturday, June 20, 2009


I havent forgotten you all my sweetharts, I've just been way too busy to blog. I spent all last week at a creative writing course at my university and im still doing assessment for it. A few friends asked for me to put some of my work up here for them to read, so here it is. This is just a sample, one piece for each of the first four days. If you use these at all quote "Claire Nada, 2009" and tell me you have done so. Thankyou.


It was a fresh taste that flowed from the bottle into the crevase between her lips and beyond. An emotional moment as she had been without her dear friend for quite some time. The train didn't permit beverages, nor did the bus, so her trip to university had been lonely without her stout fizzy friend, coca cola.


Eliza was diappointed, I could tell. It was in her eyes.
She took a seat across from me.

"You just sat there? You didn't help him?" she asked.

"I couldn't! If I had of helped him that would have put MY scholarship in jeopardy."

"Oh," she looked disappointed, "but aren't you worried I'll tell them?"

"You won't. You wouldn't do something like that, not when you know how important this is to me."

"Bull shit I won't!" She rose from her chair, "I'll tell every damned person at this university that it was you who broke into Mr Robinson's office."

She was growing louder now, of course.
Afraid someone might hear her I leapt from my seat and slammed the door shut.
"You won't!"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because, I'll kick you out."

She froze, I could see the fear. "But I'm your sister, Jake!," her voice feel, "all I want to know is why? why did i break in? why did you let Murray take the blame?"

"Because that idiotic lecturer of mine planned on failing me that's why! I wanted to set it right, and Murry, he's going to end up in jail soon anyway. Why does he even bother going to uni? All he does is sit at the back and sleep...
that's when he shows up."

She looked worried, sincere in a way.
"Jake, why didn't you tell me?"


The plan was in motion. She was acting all sincere to get it out of me, the little taddle tale. She'd tell Robinson the next day. I would lose my scholarship, and get sent home - Thank God, I never wanted to be a doctor anyway. This way dad can't force me anymore.


It was too late when they found her letter,
though the suspecting predicted the act.
They thought the stupid girl knew no better,
but their discussion wouldn't change the fact.

That she'd run off with the prince of Sweden,
was a sure way to help her master plan.
Oh gone were the days of the innocent Megan,
it was no surprise she wanted the man.

A month or so after her departure,
there was a news broadcast of a murder.
Where the prince of Sweden died through torture,
with all his citizens blaming his lover.
So away to Australia she flew,
with the contents of his will now hers new

Ideas cross her mind,
why, how,
this is confusing,
pain has not yet stricken

Her eyes gleam in the light,
can they be believed,
for one to die so young,
for one to die so easily,
and yet there would be no more lullabys

For it was just this morning,
that he kissed her on the cheek,
his first appointment early

At school she is taken from class,
the principal sitting across from her,
he brother is there two,
they say he mother won't be joining them,
as she is two distraught to drive

How quick everything changes,
a girl, a boy, a woman left,
and yet all they wish for is answers

Ideas cross their minds,
why, how,
this is confusing,
pain has not yet stricken

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