Somehow there seems to be something truly liberating about emptying a full ironing basket. The thrill of a full wardrobe of newly pressed items free to wear at any time you please. I discovered this liberation this afternoon, after spending one and a half hours ironing over twenty pieces of clothing I have worn over the past couple of months.
It seems that over the past few months or so I have simply taken the piece I'd like to wear out of the ironing basket, ironed it and left the others for later. This afternoon as I was "re-fabulizing" (new word, like it?) I came across a dress and a shirt I had not worn since MAY! That was when I released the true extent of my laziness.
It was also today that my mother finally agreed with me that my wardrobe is way too small for my personality. I have enough clothes to clothe my whole grade at school with some left over! I love my clothes but there is simply not enough room for all the fabulous items I've treasured over the past couple of years or so.
I was considering buying an exterior frame for my bedroom but realised it would probably make my room look cluttered, like one of those rooms that has never had anything moved from it but items added.
So there I was, with one small wardrobe, gorgeous blouses, dresses, coats and skirts & a room I did not want to clutter. Who do you think came to my rescue? Suprisingly it was my brother who showed me the new BIG W catalogue. Guess what's on sale at the moment? Single Clothing Frames!!! They are only $20 and they are small and versatile with wheels! I just hope they don't run out of stock!
So there's my little story. An ironing basket which was once full of clothes is empty and a wardrobe which was already cluttered is now full, so i am in need of re-inforcements and hopefully Big W can help me gather the materials I need.
Well have a great night everybody
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