Thursday, November 20, 2008

Weekly Rambles #017: 21/11/08

I graduate today! It's so exciting and I don't have much time for this weekly Ramble, so it will be a little shorter than usual.

I recently updated my inspiration board with some gorgeous photo from Loveology. It's a blog that shows off pretty feminine photographs and poetry. It's a great must for procrastination.

Another great website for photography is It a place where everything to find is found. It's brilliant.

Diary of a brazilian girl in a Copenhagen suburb is full of reviews on fashion around the globe. It's a must-read. She reviews Korean fashion like it's the most popular thing ever. A premonition perhaps?

Want daily corporate inspiration? Head to The Clothes Horse. This girl has had 21,396 hits in the past year so she must be doing something right.

Well that's it from me today. Have a fabulous week. If you're heading the schoolies be safe, there's nothing worse then bringing your parents home a grandchild or a mug shot. Have fun but be safe.


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