Saturday, May 2, 2009

Change... for the better?

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Hey Sweetharts,

I am so happy at the moment I have to write about it all. I know this blog has turned somewhat into a lifestyle one, with weekly rambles, style tips and reflections. I love coming on here and writing everyday. I love having a routine of Free Thoughts, weekly top fives and weekly inspirations. I love writing...

but I have recently come to a realisation, thanks to my most amazing group of friends, my mother who is almost always right and one of my fabulous history professors; instead of solely writing as my career I will most probably teach others to do so. Haha. Funny it may seem now but i may be your child's history teacher!

In year 11 and 12 I had the privledge to be taught by, in my opinion, one of the greatest highschool teachers I've ever come to face. His marking was harsh and critical and he knew what he was talking about; he was able to drop a date out of the middle of nowhere. He began my fascination with Ancient Rome, as I knew only concise information before my classes taught by him. I still keep in contact with this teacher of mine and I use many many of this things he taught me in my work at university.

Before senior schooling I had never thought teaching was an option, that I could possibly be a historiographer with a class of students. I had never thought the label 'historian' could fall next to my name, but my history lecturer at university told me recently when he was reviewing my marks that 'you write like a very practised historian'. I was so thrown back by the comment that I took it to the side and didn't think about it, until I was talking to mum about the book I'm reading 'TYRANTS' by Colin Foss. It is a great read by the way. She said to me, "Fashion Journalism would be wasted on you Claire. Why aren't you reaching higher? Write about history." She also added, "and I don't know how you can read that before you go to bed. It's gruesome. Vlad the Impaler?" haha

So thanks to these two and my friends at university as well as the only person I trust with everything, my best friend and sister, "SHOUT OUT TO YOU BEAUTIFUL!", I think i'm on a new path, or at least i've gone right instead of left. After my study in history & communications I plan to do a post graduate in either teaching or journalism depending on which way I'd like to go and I'm already starting to write notes for my biography on Julius Caesar (the most fasinating figure in history).

I've also made a transition with work. I used to work in a jewelry store and before that a cinema franchise but now I am glad to stay I have been working at my new job, in homewares and furniture, for three months! It is a great permanent position that lets me interact with people and a great product and my manager is really nice.

So study & work is great. My friends are great but my group has changed since I graduated. In fact im not only part of one or two groups but five haha. My best friend and I go out to dinner, movies, parties every week with a group of girls, some went to my highschool, others didn't and we laugh. I love them because they are mature and although I love my other friends not all of them understand the term 'adult'.

My second group revolves mainly around my other very close friend. She is there for me when I need her and I'm there for when she needs me, whether it be to laugh, cry or just have a good bitch. We have organised a trip away in the winter break, just the two of us, as we had so much fun at schoolies last year.

The next two groups are present at uni. I have my history friends who are all fasinated with what I am, yay. We talk about the Romans and the Russian Revolution constantly. It's nice to have people who enjoy what you enjoy and are planning on riding the same path as you. The last group is my communications girls. We go on little adventures, watch the most random videos and just have an absolute ball. They are the funniest girls I know.

My last group live in a whole different state but not state-of-mind. They and I have been friends since middle school and we visit each other once as year at least. We have so much fun and I always wish the catchups would never end. There are other people I am friends with that I see often but we aren't a 'group' of friends neccesarily.

So yess it's a strange feeling. This sense of adultness, this sense of responsibility. There are friends everywhere, relationships change even if we don't want them to. So as a shoutout to all these people, they know who they are, thanks for sticking by me and not taking out friendship for granted. I meet people everyday but only a handful will change my life and quite frankly the above are there to help me along the way, they nuture my needs in different way. I laugh with some, I party with others, I can talk for others with others. Life is about the journey not the destination so I don't mind if I don't end up being a writer or a teacher or even a historian I care about what gets me to where I have to be.

I am happy but with happiness there's always a sign of a shadow. I recently had a biff with an old friend of mine, it wasnt the first time a friendship had fallen apart. Her niave view on the matter of argument as well as her irresponsible behaviour pushed me to cut her out all together. "Sorry" is such a strong word and frankly if she used that word with an explanation she may well be in for a second chance. Everyone deserves a second chance. Of all the people who could have walked out of my life I don't understand why she had to but it's over now, as I know it to be anyway. Well I have got to go and get ready for work. What's changed in your life recently?

Is it just me or did I just write an essay of the top of my head?

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