Thursday, May 7, 2009

Weekly Rambles #40: 08/05/09

Good morning all,
I've been asking myself and my friends recently 'why do relationships have to be so complicated?' Is there a reason behind breakups, cheating, bitching? Are we the culprits or is it fate for things to go upside down? Even when you have friends or that special someone it's still complicated. You have to organise when to meet up around each other's work, study, other friends. You spend all your savings on phone credit and you only ever see your friends once a week. So why so complicated?

Why can't be just skip all the nonsense and end up with a clean slate with no complications. For instance one of my friends has just turned 18, she's super excited. She went out clubbing for her 18th birthday but only a week or so later she had to get her wisdom teeth out; this caused her to have to stay in for a week or so without any parties, clubbing or drinks with friends. The usual things you do when you turn 18. It's very complicated, she's probably getting invites out here and there but can't go and it's not really her fault at all. It her teeth! But because they are her teeth is she munipulated her own wants so she cant go out, subconciously? I don't think so but that could be a possibility.

One of my other friends was seeing someone kind of special for a few weeks. They met up every so often, msn-ed like crazy and she was seriously falling in lust. However, she was 17 and he was turning 18. For his 18th and went off and slept with someone else... interesting? Because she wasnt there he went off and forgot about her, but then again no one can no if he was trying to ruin the relationship or if he was simply drunk. Needless to say its over between them.

So why do we let small minor things, like wisdom teeth, and big things, like sexual antics, get in the way of a clean slate? Why are they more important than our friends? Let's just say that life is what happens when you're planning. Everything happens for a reason. The wisdom teeth had to come out and people have to deal with that and well he was going to cheat eventually lucky it happened at the start of the relationship. As for those that simply ditch there friends because they think they're beneath them go dig a hole and crawl into it. haha.

Haha, a little bit to grasp on a friday morning? That's what I'm here for. What do you think on this issue? Drop us an email on

Such a random.. thanks to my examples. I love you girls!

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