A fictional novel: yea, an odd thing to have on a fashion blog but hey i have a reason. This winter's trends have been influenced by both feminine film legends from the 40's & 50's and fictional characters. Some of these characters have a unique victorian style and are get inspiration for a style dry fashion girl.
A study Satchel: These used to be seen as 'the nerd satchel' but they have recently become big news in the fashion biz. Try one in a tan, brown or cream colour.
A pair of tan mary-janes: The black mary-jane heel is still very trendy, but it isn't this mary jane that the fashion magazines are crazy about anymore. They are now hooked on the fabulous neutral and tan versions storming our catwalks and shopping centres at the moment.
A military blazer: The blazer is huge this season, with the re-invention of corporate wear. A military blazer is the perfect item to sass up a dull outfit.
A beret in grey or white: Always a star, the beret in grey. These are influenced from Europe, no doubt at all, and are perfect to wear with a longline cardi and jeans or a skirt and stockings on a cold winter or spring day.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Top 5: 30/06/08
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Corporate gear for students
Good morning my sweetharts,
I am in love with corporate wear as you would probably already know by now. I love blazers, waistcoats, mary janes and pendants for the office. The only problem is, I don't have an office job where i can wear the whole corporate ensemble, so why not channel Gossip Girl. Yes, they may be going to school, a preppy private one at that but that shouldn't stop you from bringing out a coloured pencil skirt and knee high socks.
Sure, the girls in Gossip Girl have some pretty colourful and extreme outfits, so you probably don't need to go that far. Instead you can throw on a blazer with your jeans or a pair of mary janes with a spring frock. Have fun channeling office girl chic while shopping or out with friends.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Where do i go from here?

So, it's 11pm and i got home from work about 30minutes ago. Today was my school's sports carnival, which is probably why i answered the specific question about gym wear yesterday. Today was also the day i got my semester report card, which of course showed how either, smart or dumb i was. Okay, before i go any further, i must warn you that this blog is not quite about the next coat to buy, or if knee highs are still in fashion (which they sadly aren't so much anymore), it's about me and my future. Boring, sure, for some but for others, such as myself, it can't be boring as i am living it.
Lifestyle blogs may not have the highest ratings and i do not intend to make this a lifestyle blog, although this one post will be exceptional to all other blogs on fashion and style, and SATC. Just to make sure, before i go of track, i will just go ahead with what i was planning to say.
Seem a little jumbled? i know. it seems everything is a little jumbled this evening. When i first got my report card this afternoon, i looked at it sure, but i didn't really pay attention to the specific areas my grades came from and my marks from my teachers. I skimmed, if you must have a specific term.
Tonight, however when i got home from work, and i showed my mother, she looked worried, yet pleased. She, of course, being the delightful human being she is told me she was impressed. This may have been the case, although when i finally read where my marks were from, i realised that, writing in english was below speaking. The rest of my report card was, interesting, to say the least, it had it's perks and it's downfalls, but i was not so shocked by any, as i was by these two marks, sitting right in front of me, telling me i was never going to get where i wanted to go. I had so many paths, but not the one i longed for. my path had hit a dead end.
Sure, as i ran into my room, and unpacked my sports carnival bag while crying, for the first time in about two months, i realised, i was being another drama queen, but the pain, the suffering of actually giving this semester my all, and failing at what i do best, well as least in my own eyes, i couldn't bear it.

Ever since i was 10 years old, possibly even younger i have longed for 'that job'. A features writer or editor at a magazine, the topic of my writing has changed a little. I once wanted to write about politics, then for a magazine like 'dolly', and then, for my now passion of fashion magazines.
So does it really matter if i get there? i mean i could always go on the dole or work in some crummy job at a fast food outlet, earn my money by selling everything i own, but how is that going to help? how is that going to be anything like 'feature writer at a fashion magazine'?
Some would say that, sure, OP scores and marks are not the only way to get where you want. But to me, they are. I have done so much research and there is no other way (legally) to get my dream job. I have to suffer through the QCS test, finding out my OP, and going to University for 20 years (maybe a slight exaggeration), because i didn't get the OP i needed so i will have to step it up. But to be truly honest that is not what is worrying me the most. Not the OP, the uni, or the QCS, but the fact that i failed myself. Something i thought i knew, i don't. Sure i have the passion and drive to get that job, but will i be able to do it, or will i be stuck writing simple sentences like, "The LBD is back", instead of something extravagant and eye catching?
I know pondering on an international blog may not be the best thing, but i needed to get this off my chest, and as my best friends aren't on messenger (probably due to sleep) i had to.
So sorry, to have written a blog out of context, but you know no one's perfect.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Gym Fashion
"I've recently joined a gym, but i don't know what to wear. I have so many clothes, but it seems i have nothing for my days at the gym. what should i wear?"
My suggestion is to wear a pair of cotton tights with a singlet and a jumper, high tops are always good as well as a good gym bag.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Today just so happens to be my friend Yee's 17th birthday, so as an extra special pressie i've found an article on one of her favourite actors. That would be Anne Hathaway of course, who you would all know I am amazed by as well.
The article is called "Anne Gets Smart" and was in the Edmonton Journal today, all the way over in Canada. I stumbled across it and thought that i should put in on my blog, as, Yee is a fan of Hathaway's work and is estatic to see the movie later on in the week. Before the movie ends, the two of them become drawn to each other emotionally and physically. That leads to the inevitable question: What was it like to "make out" with Carell?
"Making out with him is like the yummiest lollipop," says Hathaway who is a big fan of Carell's TV series, The Office.
"You are so full of it," protests Carell, who's sitting next to her.
"Dipped in sunshine!" Hathaway continues.
"Stop it!" insists Carell, who's now starting to break up.
"And wrapped around in a masculine wrapper," she adds serenely. "That's the only way I can think to describe it."
The Full Article
Have a fabulous day Yee my dear.
Top 5: 22/06/08
As I will be away tomorrow, i have decided to post my top 5 for this week a day early. Hope you like what i've put together today.
Shirt Dress: Every chain store i walk into it's there, in stripes, check, or plain colours. The other day i purchased a purple one in check, and i love it. You can wear them with tights, jeans or by themselves. Perfect with a waistcoat for a day out with friends and with heels and a clutch purse for evening wear.
Ankle Boots: These have been big news in fashion for the past twelve months and they won't stop now. They are perfect to beat the winter chill and can class up any odd outfit. Perfect with jeans tucked into them, or stockins and an evening dress.
Coloured ties: Corporate wear is very much in the fashion radar at the moment, but it's only now that coloured ties have started to appear. They brighten up any neutral corporate outfit, for a burst of colour at the office or a fabulous party.
opaque Tights: These make it possible to wear your LBD throughout winter, as well as long shirts and office skirts. Be aware that the stockings and shorts trend from last year has gone out the window, and class is back in.
metallic hoops: These babies are the perfect 'it' jewelry piece. Try them in silver or gold and wear them in the day or at night with your hair up. No need for any other jewelry when wearing this piece.
How to wear Denim Waistcoats
The Denim Waistcoat is one of autumn/winter 08 trends. So how do you wear them? With jeans and a sleeved shirt of course. Throw on a chain or hooped earrings so you can rock the city look.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Online Shopping
Just had to tell you all that my new online purchases arrived today!!!! I ordered a black corporate blazer and skirt from Ezibuy. They are nice and snugg and the right size. Perfect for my days at the office (haha thats a laugh, i wish i had an office job).
What do you think of online shopping?
How to wear Blue Jeans
Here are a few outfits i put together, thanks to Polyvore.com that include blue jeans. They are all inspired by different locations and times during the day.
Shopping with a purpose
City with Friends
Picnic Lunch with the family
A nice dinner on a cold winter's night
This movie is the sex

This evening, at 4:30, to be exact, my friend Louisa and I experienced the luxury of watching this year's blockbuster hit, tv to film sensation, "Sex and the City: The movie"
It was fabulous! Dramatic, witty, glamorous and very passionate, about both clothes and... well... people. This is a must see for both fans of the sex and the city series and newcomers with a style for fashion or passion, either way. We went because me have a passion for fashion.
So get out your stilettos and stomp to your local birch carol and coyle for a film that has hit the box office by storm.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Packing for Retreat
As I begin to daydream about my senior retreat, starting next monday, i release I still haven't packed. Well, I have had people tell me that they are waiting until Sunday night to pack, and I can't understand how they can do it, that impulsively? What if you need something thats in the wash? They can't wash, dry and iron it overnight, can they? Then there are those that pack two or three weeks in advance, this is hard for me to do as well. Probably due to the fact i wear alot of my key pieces alot, and so this would prevent me from wearing particular pieces, and also because in that few weeks, you bound to shop, buy something new, that you will want to take, but sadly, can't fit.
I, myself, have choosen to start packing tonight, as it is fresh in my mind. I will compile a list first of what i need, such as toiletries, 3 sets of clothes, shoes, etc. Another list will then be created with this list at the basis. The clothes will become, 3 shirts, 3 jeans, 3 jackets, etc. And just before I physically start packing my suitcase i will of course write down exactly what shirts, jeans, jackets, etc, i will pack. Saving it for the week before going, should be fine, as i wont be shopping, as much, and there is a lower risk of me buying something i will want to squeeze.
Now, to physically pack the suitcase, i will begin with what items i know i will not wear the the next few days. These items are obviously not my ugg boots or my jeans, but rather my shirts, jackets and shoes. Over the next few days i will add to my suitcase with what i have washed, dryed and ironed since the last instalment. Finally the morning of retreat i will add to it my toiletries.
So What Do We, As Students Going On Retreat Need?
> A good water proof coat, just incase of downpour
> At least two good pairs of pants
> Shirts (always have one or two extra)
> A couple of good pairs of knee high socks or legwarmers
> A pair of comfortable shoes (trainers or flats, etc)
> At least two warm jackets or cardigans
> At least one warm scarf
> At least one pair of warm gloves
> Pair of warm PJ's
> Pair of slippers or Ugg Boots for night
> Pillow and bedding, of course
> Cleanser, toner, moisturiser
> Toothbrush and paste
> Hair brush and ties
> Your daily cosmetics
> Body, face & hand towels
If there is anything i have forgotten please remind me...
I wouldn't want to forget anything
♥ Clairzy
Hepburn Junior
When a new star hits the windshield of our movie screens, we wonder whether that star is simply a one-hit wonder or if that one star will grace our screens well into the next generation. Anne Hathaway is that star. She's a shining beacon of hope for young girls who wish to be princesses, as well as older women who miss a good Audrey Hepburn Classic. Hepburn's is timeless, and somehow, whether Hathway meant to or not, she has perfected the position as Hepburn remake.
For some it may come as a shock that the actress, that has acted as two characters, who have had tremendous makeovers, is the new face of style. For others, it is not suprise, as they can smell a style icon well before it hits the tabloids. It is no suprise to them that, the girl who stumbled across our screens as an ugly duckling in the film "the princess diaries" has become a fashionable legend for the nouties.
Hathaway's style is era chic, with statement jackets, pendants and heels. In her new film "Get Smart", she models tailored pants, blazers, the timeless trenchcoat and her classic silky fine hair. It comes as no suprise to fans of Hathaway, that she, may possibly be, the next Kate Moss.
This trend has captured the catwalk at rosemount fashion week, as well as many other fashion shows in the past couple of months. Remember good trends last more than one season. This may just be one of those 'good' trends, similar to skinny jeans and pencil skirts.
Wear a playsuit, or a pair of black skinny jeans with a black tank. Don't forget tough accesories, such as gladiator heels, leather jackets, and studded hoops.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
WEEKLY TOP 5: 16/06/8
Corporate Blazers: Corporate wear is the big trend this winter and it's oh. so. sensible for the colder weather. A blazer, stockings, a skirt, together they make quite to winter office ensemble. A Blazer add the cherry to the cake, you can buy them in almost any colour these days but the style and shape will remain a classic.
1940's inspired pendant necklaces: These lovely pieces will have you thinking vintage without the pre-loved tag. Roses are defintely a must, as are pearls and gold or silver 3D hearts.
Old School Badges: Punk isn't make a come back, and frankly I don't think it ever will but these 80's inspired badges bring the pop to an office bag or a blazer.
Clutch evening bags: Formal is coming up for some people and this bag is perfect for that occasion or any other evening event. Forget the oversized evening bags, they were exiled last year. The small clutch evening back is chic and timeless.
knitted gloves: These gloves will keep you warm and it looks as though celebrities such as kate moss and sienna miller are channeling the winter vibe. It seems they are suited for autumn or spring as well. Try some in white or grey, and try to stay away from black.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Controversial Mishap

Sorry to those who found yesterday's blog My Material Friend demeaning, but it is simply how i feel. Material objects have taken over our lives, and thats the way we like it. I for one, am not going to get rid of my computer, or my new bag, simply because I feel i love them too much. So i'm very sorry and if you do argue that you need material objects, and that it's not simply a want, read Yee's blog.
Hope everyone understands now, please no more emails on that blog. Instead you can perhaps read this other controversial mishap letter by Gala Darling
Thankyou. Clairzy
The Perfect Princess
Ever wished you were princess cinderella or snow white? That a prince would come and rescue, shift you off your feet? Well, have i got the perfect trend for you wanna-be-princesses.
This season, evening wear is looking to the princesses for guidance. There is a certain princess chic about pearl earrings and clutch purses, white heels and charm bracelets.
I may have told you over and over not to overdo accesories but this is a trend that begs to be overdone. Put together a charm bracelet, a heart pendant and pearl earrings to add a bit of princess glamour to a cocktail dress or prom dress.
This trend may be based on fictional characters, but isn't that just the beauty of it?
Friday, June 13, 2008
My Material Friend
So What's on my mind today? I honestly couldn't tell you what i've given my sole attention to. Was it the gorgeous Wallet i purchased this morning? Or the comfy ugg boots i've been wearing all afternoon? Or was it in fact "Sex & the city" which i mum happily bought (season 1) this morning and we have been watching this arvo?
No I don't believe it is any of these things. I'm a little mind blank and I don't really know why. I'm a little disorientated, which is a shock for someone of my age, but when it comes down to it, i'm really not quite sure what to write.
Columnists always arrive at the point they wish to make at the last minute. Their last sentence may be the only relevant text to their whole topic they had wished to conquer. So why is it so difficult to write an article, or a blog, perhaps even a simple email?
Today is full of women who... love... material... objects!
Is friendship a material object? Can friendship be bought? If it's so difficult to write does it mean we have no feeling? Is my rambling simply an excuse to publish again? or is it more than that? Am i doing this because i see my blog as... a friend?
Yes. It could be possible. It has happened before. Women make friends with material objects, just like men do. I'm sure you would have, at one point in your life, heard a man call his car his girl, or his gel his miracle? It's all the same.
I know that, i myself, do make friends with material objects, becoming attached to a point where i can't live without them. These include pieces of clothing, my computer and my plastic fantastic. I have, on occasion, said sorry to my bags, when i put too much in them.
So can you honestly say that you don't make friends with material objects?
Carindale is the Shizzz
Good afternoon sweetharts,
Today I made a very quick visit to Carindale Westfield (only 2 & a half hours). I haven't been there in months so it was quite special. I made sure, as always, that i had my list of what I wanted and what i needed.
List I arrived at Carindale with:
New Black School Shoes
Gold Bangles
Bag for Formal
New Wallet
New Ugg Boots
Present for Yee
Present for Sarah
The Question is, of course, how much did I buy and did i buy anything that wasn't on my list?
Well, I can tell you, that i did get item number one (School Shoes). I texted my friend Sarah at this point, as she has been bagging my old ones for weeks.
The 3rd and 4th Items were both easily found at Strandbags. My wallet, is a quilted black material on the outside with gold trim and pink cushioning on the inside. It has enough room for all of my cards and I have, happily enough, already moved into it. The Formal Bag is white with silver and is a Roca Wear Design. It has a chain and two compartments, with of course pink lining.
Yes, I did buy Yee's present, but as she reads this blog I will say what. Sarah's present on the other hand was more difficult. It wasn't that i couldn't find anything, it was that i had too many choices, so it will have to wait for later in the week.
My Ugg boots were from Big W! I love them, so much so that i have a photos. Oh, and I did buy One thing that wasn't on my list: a pair of cable knit grey gloves. They are in the photo aswell.
I'm a Wishing....
You may or may have not noticed that there are three items that I am frequently adding into sets, whenever i can to be honest.
The first piece is a pair of simple pump patent white heeps from Christian Louboutin. I am in love with these shoes. I really want some white round-toe heels to where with my blue jeans, corporate outfits and evening wear.
The second piece is another pair of shoes. These are brown gladiator heels from top shop. They have a bit of a grunge look about them and I ... found a similar pair at DFO on Sunday but my mother protested my buying them (so i am without). However I will be on the lookout for some because now i want them more than ever.
The third and last item is of course gold bangles. I have added a whole range of different bangles, of all different shapes and sizes. These thin ones from Urban Outfitters are my favourite though. I think I might pick up a set similar this week and they are the perfect accesory for me at the moment.
So they are my three pieces I am obsessed with. I also have one last piece I am hoping to get soon. This piece has not been in any of my sets, as it doesn't really go with clothes. This piece is a laptop. I need a new one to do my blog, assignments, etc. I don't really care what it looks like but i'd like a built in webcam and 2GB Ram.
Don't be suprised if i have an excited entry when i eventually purchase these items!I'm now off to work to make some money in order to do so.... and oh my gosh i just noticed how many blogs i've written while being bored after exams this arvo! That's enough to give anyone a headache.
Well Cheerio.
♥ Clairzy
Thursday, June 12, 2008
As a Senior Student today I got my offical Senior Jersey. It's maroon and white, just like my school colours and it has "Claire" on the back with a big "08". I wasn't able to get "Clairzy" because you could only have your first or last name, which sucks, but i'll live with it.
I'm super excited....
I've been waiting for it since last term and I can finally wear it!
We got them this morning after our Religion Exam (which was hard), and everyone was wearing them for the rest of the day. haha
So all those senior students, both from my school and others, here's a set I made on Polyvore, that you could perhaps look at for inspiration on how to wear your jersey.
What to wear friday
Sometimes you have no idea what to wear. It's come to the end of the week and you have used your favourite pencil skirt and heels already. So? Instead of going shopping, pull out something spontaneously. Something you haven't worn in ages. Something that has a pop of colour or glam about it. Just one piece and than make an outfit up around it. Trust me, it's a lot of fun. My suggestion is start with a pair of heels or a skirt and work your outfit from there. These blue heels go fabulously with dull or neutral shades, they add a pop to any dull office outfit. Then there's this skirt, floaty and girly, it goes perfectly with a simple top and waistcoat. So...What's your POP sensation?
Photography Royalty
OH MY! I am now offically in love with Mike Colon and Kenny Kim! Not really but hey their photography is amazing.
In case you didn't pick it up, they are photographers, who document all their photography on their blog.
Mike Colon
Kenny Kim
Who are your favourite Photographers?
Pippa makes Vegetarians fashionable
Concerned? There's no need to be it's just a advertisement for PETA i found on Ecorazzi starring Pippa Black in a wrap of lettuce.
“Of course, going vegetarian is a positive step to help stop animal suffering; it’s also great for your health and the environment”, says Black, who put her studies in animal technology on hold to pursue an acting career. “I just feel better since I stopped eating meat, and when you feel better, I think you look better too.” (ecorazzi)
Full Article
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The Catch
Hey sweetharts,
I am so sorry that all my entries have been so short these past few days! I do have an explanation. Honest!
So if you believe me or not, this is the truth, i have been slammed this past week. School has been hectic, as exams have just begun. I have been really busy with work, and my Deportment Graduation was on Tuesday night. I've also been sick the past week and i'm only just starting to get on top of it. Yesterday I was struggling to get out of bed, due to my oh-so-not-cool-fever. I've got to tell you, that you aren't truly best friends with someone until they make you sick, or you make them sick. My best friend Sarah was sick about a week ago, she gave it to my other best friend Stacey who was then sick thursday onwards to yesterday and to me, who was conquering the illness until yesterday when it practically destroyed my day.
Oh well, I hope that's a good enough explanation for my tacky little blogs with simple polyvore sets and a brief description, although im sure you love them very much anyway. (giggles)
So what must I write about today? Shall I write about the fact that the most amazing and inspiring magazine in the WORLD is coming out next Monday! Ohhhhh MMMMMMMMMMM Geeee! I'm so excited!
"Shop: til you drop" is offically the most amazing magazine ever and it's Australian! How cool is that? I buy it for only $7.20 a month and indulge in about 200 pages of fabulous fashion finds and tips. They have home ware and beauty tips aswell, so its a magazine for any kind of girl.
Of course, i can not go without telling you about my formal dress. I was not able to tell you much on Sunday, when i first purchased it, but today I'm willing to compromise. It is a metallic purple with a strapless bodice and hemed skirt, pieced together with a little ruffle, but not too much. Photos will come later.
Today I purchased a pencil skirt and blazer set from Capture through Ezibuy. They only cost me $52 together, with $10 postage and handling. They should be here in a week or two. EEEEK! So excited. I have been looking for a skirt and blazer for ages and they are always in the wrong size or colour, so i thought to myself, why not purchase online?
I have been reading up on how to pack a suitcase as I have problems with this and I have a retreat in just over a week. (OMG THATS SO SOON!) Here's a really cool article I read my Gala Darling (only the most fabulous fashion bloggest evz) about how to not only pack a suitcase, but plan an entire trip!
I'm pretty sure I'm really excited about the couple of weeks ahead. After exams I have a few shopping trips already planned. I'm going into Westfield with my friend Louisa to buy hoodies, and then we shall be doing a DIY job, making them our own. I'm also going into the city to shop with some of my closest friends, and with the same group I'm heading down to Pacific Fair at the Gold Coast to buy formal accesories and have a fabulous shopping spree. So excited!
So that's probably about all for today.
Keep your emails coming in. I love to hear from all of you.
What to wear thursday
So you have work and then late night shopping but no time to change? Don't worry! It's all sorted with a dress in a neutral shade, a trenchcoat and some killer heels. Where heels in a beige or brown, that will bring the day into night.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Deportment Graduation
My deportment Graduation was last night and just let me say there were some fabulous outfits present. The waistcoat and the checked dress were popular pieces for the casual dress. Whereas peep toe heels and flowing shifts were well presented pieces for the evening wear.
It was a good night, with a few stuff ups. I heard from an audience member afterwards that one of the girls seemed to have breast fillets down the bottom of her top. (SHOCK!!!!) But other than that the night seemed to go off without a hitch.
What to wear wednesday
I'm in bed sick today but that won't stop me from showing you another fabulous outfit idea. This one could be worn either during the weekend or at work. I love the bag and the waistcoat! SQUEAL!!!