Thursday, June 5, 2008

Style Revamp Day 02

Continuing on with our Style Revamp...

Day 02
Step two:
Now that you have created on bin labelled, "unsure", create another four, so that you have five. First clear out your wardrobe by placing all your clothes on your bed, or on a table.

The first bin will be called "Love" and will be filled with all the pieces you adore but do not wear as often as you would probably like to.

The second will be the "Charity" bin and will be filled with all the pieces you do not wear, for whatever reason, anymore.

The third bin will be your "Garbage" bin, and just as the name suggests it will be filled with all the garbage pieces you have kept in the back of your wardrobes for no good reason. Pieces that not even a charity could find a purpose for.

The fourth, and final, bin will be called "Mine", and you will put in all the items you have worn in the past few weeks, or wear often.

Now through the items in the "garbage" bin, in your actual garbage. These items are non refundable, you can not change your mind, They are staying there!

Today put together an outfit out of some of the items from your "Unsure" bin, and wear it all day. If you realise you dont like an item or two, they go in the garbage bin as well, the pieces you like by the end of the day go into your "Mine" bin.


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