Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm a Wishing....

You may or may have not noticed that there are three items that I am frequently adding into sets, whenever i can to be honest.

The first piece is a pair of simple pump patent white heeps from Christian Louboutin. I am in love with these shoes. I really want some white round-toe heels to where with my blue jeans, corporate outfits and evening wear.

The second piece is another pair of shoes. These are brown gladiator heels from top shop. They have a bit of a grunge look about them and I ... found a similar pair at DFO on Sunday but my mother protested my buying them (so i am without). However I will be on the lookout for some because now i want them more than ever.

The third and last item is of course gold bangles. I have added a whole range of different bangles, of all different shapes and sizes. These thin ones from Urban Outfitters are my favourite though. I think I might pick up a set similar this week and they are the perfect accesory for me at the moment.

So they are my three pieces I am obsessed with. I also have one last piece I am hoping to get soon. This piece has not been in any of my sets, as it doesn't really go with clothes. This piece is a laptop. I need a new one to do my blog, assignments, etc. I don't really care what it looks like but i'd like a built in webcam and 2GB Ram.

Don't be suprised if i have an excited entry when i eventually purchase these items!I'm now off to work to make some money in order to do so.... and oh my gosh i just noticed how many blogs i've written while being bored after exams this arvo! That's enough to give anyone a headache.

Well Cheerio.
♥ Clairzy

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