Saturday, June 7, 2008

Style Revamp Day 03

Day 03:

You may be having the time of your life digging in deep to the foreign lands of your pre-seasonal pieces, or you may be wondering why you bothered in the first place. I have heard from a couple of people who have been following this day by day method to reinventing your style, and some have said that it is a sad idea because they have no pre-seasonal pieces. But who are they kidding? I’m sorry, but everyone has pre-seasonal pieces. If you shop at factory outlets, or have bought clothes off sales racks, you I am certain, have pre-seasonal pieces. But pre-seasonal pieces are what pull a fashionable outfit together. You piece a new item, which has been mimicked by a piece in Chanel’s new range, with a piece you bought from a thrift store three years ago. Although this thrift piece may be out of date, it serves a purpose in your wardrobe as it adds a taste of individuality to every outfit you wear with it. Every second person you see on an average Saturday could be wearing the exact same Shirt (for example) but you don’t look like your wearing the same thing at all. Why is this? This is because you have put your own spin of this shirt by adding a vintage belt or pair of 2003 mimic Jimmy Choo’s to your outfit. Can anyone else buy those items now? Sure, maybe from Ebay. But the majority of those people wearing that shirt, will not be able to, or bother to, because it is not in their favourite chain store.


So today, what I’d like you to do is wear a piece you recently bought, from your “keeping” bin, with a piece from your “unsure” bin that won’t be found in the latest addition of SHOP magazine. At the end of the day, think back on the reactions of your work colleagues, friends, family and strangers. Did they notice? Did they complement? Did they sigh in disbelief? Did they shriek with excitement? Did they ask you wear you go that piece? If you felt that it was a winner, and you believe you would wear it again, move it to your “keeping” bin, if you felt like you had invaded your great grandmother’s wardrobe add it to the items in your “Charity” bin.

Hope you have fun! I’ll have a new task for you to complete tomorrow.

Have a great day!

Love Clairzy

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