Saturday, June 21, 2008


Today just so happens to be my friend Yee's 17th birthday, so as an extra special pressie i've found an article on one of her favourite actors. That would be Anne Hathaway of course, who you would all know I am amazed by as well.

The article is called "Anne Gets Smart" and was in the Edmonton Journal today, all the way over in Canada. I stumbled across it and thought that i should put in on my blog, as, Yee is a fan of Hathaway's work and is estatic to see the movie later on in the week.

Before the movie ends, the two of them become drawn to each other emotionally and physically. That leads to the inevitable question: What was it like to "make out" with Carell?

"Making out with him is like the yummiest lollipop," says Hathaway who is a big fan of Carell's TV series, The Office.

"You are so full of it," protests Carell, who's sitting next to her.

"Dipped in sunshine!" Hathaway continues.

"Stop it!" insists Carell, who's now starting to break up.

"And wrapped around in a masculine wrapper," she adds serenely. "That's the only way I can think to describe it."

The Full Article

Have a fabulous day Yee my dear.


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