Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What will Generation Z dread?

What's in store for the children of the next generation, generation Z? Fashion wise of course. What will they look at in their parent's photo albums and screech at? What will they vow to never wear, but just happen to change their minds if it comes back into fashion?

Well my idea, is that some trends that are scattered all over our streets at the moment just have to go. The only reason they're called trends is because everyone's wearing them, but just because everyone's wearing them it doesn't mean they're good.

There are some things i wear that my friends may find amusing, but that's their own choice. I, myself, happen to like what i wear and the trends they come from. Flannel is a brilliant timeless trend, as well as skinny jeans and ankle boots. Who can forget the classic canvas shoe and the bikini? These are some things that generation Z will carry on, and pass on to their own children.

The things that won't be passed on? The train wrecks of our time? These items are discovered through personal beliefs, values and quite frankly perspective. I think highwaisted denim jeans or shorts give a woman toad-stool hips (effect caused by tight clothing which leads to the hips looking bigger than they actually are). I also believe that we have to get rid of the whole 200 bangles at a time thing. Who are we kidding? No one can be productive with a mountain of large bangles on their wrist. Try three or four skinny ones or one large one in order to have a child who wants to dress like mummy used to.

Tiered feathers were a mistake to start with but, suprisingly i predict that fur still won't be out. It will be a reoccuring pattern of law suits and yet particular people will choose to ignore these messages and continue to buy coats made of animals.

So forget about the whole philosophy that we dress better than our mothers because most of us break these rules. Most of us follow trends that don't flatter us or our jobs, and most of us, simply have no idea.

a little cynical, but that's okay

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