Monday, March 30, 2009

Blogging Revolution

When did the blogging revolution begin exactly? No one can really know. The blog has been around since the beginning of the World Wide Web but it's been only recently that it's become such a big thing. Anyone can blog but whether or not they are good at it is a different thing. Two bloggers who have been given a lot of media attention recently are definitely Gala Darling of and Jane of

So how do you make a blog a success? It depends on what you are writing a blog for. If you are a budding journalist and you're over eighteen you can get paid revenue to advertise on your space, and you can easily hand out business cards at places that would be interested in your content. Chain stores would enjoy fashion blog business cards and corporate businesses would prefer economic articles.

If you are doing it as a serious side business you need to know your audience. You need to write for them, not just for you. Make sure you write at least one article of decent content a week, if you fail to do this you will lose business quickly. Also, add in short articles every day so that each time a customer logs on they can read something new.

If you are doing it for fun tell your friends and get the word around that way. If it's simply a diary on your wedding preparations or exchange in another country you shouldn't have to worry about the formal rules. Write when you want to write and write what you want to write. Post pictures so that it's not simply textual as people enjoy visual pieces aswell.

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